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What Every Principal Should Know About Collaborative Leadership

What Every Principal Should Know About Collaborative Leadership

Other Titles in:
School Management | Team Building

February 2006 | 152 pages | Corwin
The fifth in its series, What Every Principal Should Know About Collaborative Leadership, recognizes that effective headteachers practice and model a collaborative approach to leadership, decision-making, vision, goal-setting, and celebrating success. A headteacher's success depends on building and maintaining collaborative relationships with others both inside and outside of school.

In this book, aspiring, new, and experienced headteachers will learn how to engage more fully in collaboration at all levels to ultimately support improved teaching, student achievement, and a cohesive and supportive school culture.

About the Author
Questionnaire: Before We Get Started…
1. Introduction
Case Study and Reflective Questions

2. Best Practices in Team Building
Leading with Passion, Vision Building, and Teamwork

Ten Characteristics of Successful Teams

Assessing your Leadership Style

Draw a Pig

The Twenty-Five Questions Team-Development Exercise

Team Effectiveness Critique


3. Action Research as Best Practice for Collaboration
Action Research for Collaboration and More

Benefits of Action Research

Steps in Action Research

Three Forms of Action Research

Action Research in Action

Guidelines for Implementing Action Research


4. Best Practices in Shared Decision Making
Encouraging Teacher Leadership

Site-Based Management


Conclusion: Making Collaborative Leadership a Reality
Resource A: Realities of Collaborative Leadership: In-Basket Simulations
Resource B: Assessing Your Role in Teamwork
Resource C: Assessing Your Role in Action Research
Resource D: Assessing Your Role in Shared Decision Making
Resource E: An Annotated Bibliography of Best Resources

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781412915908