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Frank P. Williams III Professor Emeritus in Social Work, California State University, San Bernardino, Prairie View A&M University, Texas

Franklin P. Williams III


Professor of Juvenile Justice, Prairie View A&M University

Professor Emeritus, California State University, San Bernardino


Ph.D. (1976) Florida State University

Specialization: Criminological theory, corrections, fear of crime, drug abuse, methodology and statistics.


Dr. Williams has taught at departments in five universities and has published a substantial number of articles, research monographs and government reports, and books. He has served as a department chair (Cal State, San Bernardino), Assistant Director for Research (Sam Houston State), Coordinator of the Doctoral Program (Prairie View A&M) and directed numerous research projects and two centers. He has served on or been elected to the boards of national scholarly organizations, chaired a major division of a national organization, and chaired/served on numerous national/regional committees. He has been an editor or deputy/associate editor for several journals and publisher’s book and monograph series. He is currently serving as co-editor of two book series, an encyclopedia, and is beginning work on the fourth edition of a popular theory textbook (with over 100 articles, books, and reports published). His most recent book is Imagining Criminology.