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By making negative interpretations, and using certain behavioral pattents, it is possible a client will reinforce their distorted thinking. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy helps clients understand the impact of their emotions and thoughts on their feelings. Below are some tools that will aid CBT practitioners to provide guidance to their clients.
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Your Reflective Tool
All practitioners develop values and ethics over time that they hold on to.
Use the free reflective tool below to analyse your development and how that has impacted your practice.
The ability to structure your sessions is one of your core therapist competencies.
Use this structure to build an individual course of CBT for your client.
Working with Emotions
Cognitive Behavioural therapists need skills for helping clients to practise emotional regulation based on emotional intelligence.
Frank Wills explores the relationship between emotions and delivering therapeutic work.
Assessment tools can be used at regular intervals throughout therapy and can help the client and therapist to establish if what they are doing together is working and, if not, to determine what needs to be changed. It can be very helpful for a client to see their progress and to determine what may be hindering their development by using the same assessment tools throughout therapy. Assessment tools include questions or statements that can give the therapist an indication of risk or self-harm.
During assessment, the therapist will determine whether the client is suitable for CBT; there are a number of factors to consider. Safran (1993) identified ten predictors of good therapy outcomes in short-term CBT. A client may have better outcomes if: