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SAGE Publishing is delighted to report that its pioneering broad-spectrum open access journal SAGE Open is marking its fifth anniversary with more than 1,350 published articles that together have been viewed or downloaded more than 3.5 million times. Spanning the humanities and social and behavioral sciences, SAGE Open is a peer-reviewed “gold” OA journal publishing original research and review articles.
Seven SAGE Publishing titles have received 2019 Textbook Awards from the Textbook & Academic Authors Association (TAA). A total of 31 textbooks were awarded amongst three categories: the William Holmes McGuffey Longevity Award, the Textbook Excellence Award and the Most Promising New Textbook Award. For the second year in a row, SAGE is the only publisher to have received awards in every category.
What fuels government leaders and constituents into political action, such as attacking the media or marching and protesting, and how do these acts influence political outcomes and public policy debates? What makes democracy appealing to one society and socialism appealing to the country next door? As political passions and polarization escalate, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior launches an exploration into the intersections of psychology, political science, sociology, and human behavior.
Couples with young children are as likely to stay together if the mother is the main breadwinner rather than the father, new research shows.
A paper published in the journal Sociology today says the relationships of parents are in some cases more stable if the mother earns more than the father.
Dr Shireen Kanji, of the University of Leicester School of Management, and Dr Pia Schober, of the German Institute for Economic Research, Berlin, examined survey data on 3,944 British couples as their first child aged from eight months to seven years.
SAGE Publishing is pleased to announce the release of the four-volume set, The SAGE Encyclopedia of War: Social Science Perspectives. Unlike traditional war encyclopedias that focus on military science and history, The SAGE Encyclopedia of War: Social Science Perspectives also covers the effect of wars on culture, trade, societies, and more.
London - SAGE and The British Educational Research Association (BERA), one of the UK’s leading charities to encourage education research, today announced the launch of the Handbook of Educational Research at the 2014 annual BERA Conference.
SAGE Publishing and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) at Stanford University are pleased to announce Carol Dweck as winner of the 2018 SAGE-CASBS Award.
SAGE Publishing announces the launch of SAGE vantage, a digital course platform for instructors and students designed to enable time-effective and evidence-based teaching, engaged learning, and critical thinking. The platform offers instructors a three-step course set up, auto-grading, integration into institutional learning management systems (LMS) through single sign-on, and more.
Early educational experiences can shape children’s learning, behavior, and relationship skills. How do parents, schools, and policymakers support and optimize these programs? Out today, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Contemporary Early Childhood Education explores the issues and concepts surrounding early childhood education from birth through eight years of age.
Despite recent advancements, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals continue to face discrimination and other challenges related to school experiences, family formation, aging, and more. Examining these issues and the impact that political and societal forces have on the lives of LGBTQ individuals, The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies launches today as a three-volume set.