Key Concepts in Organization Theory
- Ann L Cunliffe - Fundação Getúlio Vargas-EAESP, Brazil
- John T Luhman - Eastern New Mexico University, USA
SAGE Key Concepts series
Organizational Theory
- Helps you understand the basics of organization theory
- Allows you to check your understanding of specific concepts
- Fills in any gaps left by your course reading, and
- Is a powerful revision tool
Each entry is consistently structured, providing a definition of the concept and why it's important to theory and practice, followed by a summary of current debates and a list of further reading. This companion will provide you with the nuts and bolts of an understanding that will serve you not just in your organization studies course, but throughout your degree and beyond.
Key concepts include: agency theory; business strategy; corporate governance; decision making; environmental uncertainty; globalization; industrial democracy; organizational change; stakeholder theory; storytelling and narrative research; technology and organization structure.
Good work, well done. Provides a good concise overview over the field.