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Advancing the Story

Advancing the Story
Quality Journalism in a Digital World

Fourth Edition

January 2019 | 400 pages | CQ Press

This textbook takes a systematic approach to teaching broadcast and multimedia journalism to students.  Easy to follow [and] very relatable for students. Visually appealing…Love this textbook.”

—Beth Bingham Georges, California State University, Fullerton

Updated Edition of Bestseller!

It’s a multimedia world, and today’s journalists must develop a multimedia mindset. How does this way of thinking change the newsgathering and news production processes? Having conceived of and written their book in this changed media landscape, broadcast veterans Wenger and Potter seamlessly build on the fundamentals of good news reporting while teaching students to use depth, interactivity and immediacy as they maximize the advantages of each platform.

While retaining the book’s clear instruction and advice from those in the trenches, Advancing the Story, Fourth Edition has been updated to reflect the latest issues and trends with:

  • greater emphasis on social media and mobile media to gather, promote and disseminate news content;
  • expanded coverage of media ethics and media law;
  • extended examples of effective reporting across multiple platforms;
  • updated writing exercises and new resources for reviewing AP style; and
  • additional interviews with journalists at the forefront of industry changes.

Visit for interactive chapter modules, skill-building tutorials, and analysis from journalism experts.


Instructors! Visit the author’s blog at for discussion starters, teaching tips, and more!

Tables, Figures and Boxes
Chapter 1. The Multimedia Mindset
Multimedia Basics

Media on Demand

Technology Changes Content

The Best of Broadcast

The Power of Text

The Originality of Online

The Social and Mobile Advantage

Multimedia Ethics

Focus On the Future

Taking It Home

Talking Points

Ethics Challenges

Online Learning Module 1

Chapter 2. Finding the Story
Story Building Blocks

Story Ideas

Reporting Tools



Types of Interviews

Interview Ground Rules

Note Taking

Getting It Right

Taking It Home

Talking Points

Ethics Challenges

Online Learning Module 2

Chapter 3. Newsgathering: Broadcast



On-Camera Interviews

Nonvisual Stories

Natural Sound Stories

Working Alone


Tools of the Trade

Taking It Home

Talking Points

Ethics Challenges

Online Learning Module 3

Chapter 4. Newsgathering: Digital
Thinking Across Platforms

Online Video

Online Audio




Searching Online

Data Reporting

Investigative Reporting

Tools of the Trade

Taking It Home

Talking Points

Ethics Challenges

Online Learning Module 4

Chapter 5. Social Media
Getting Started

Finding Stories

Writing for Social Media

Images for Social Media

Video for Social Media

Transparency and Disclosure

Taking It Home

Talking Points

Ethics Challenges

Online Learning Module 5

Chapter 6. Writing the Story: Broadcast
Finding the Focus

Planning Your Story

Story Structure

Beginnings and Endings

Watch Your Words


Revising Your Story

Taking It Home

Talking Points

Ethics Challenges

Online Learning Module 6

Chapter 7. Writing the Story: Digital
Understanding Audience

Writing for the Web

Adapting Stories for the Web

Search Engine Optimization

Moving Into Mobile

Taking It Home

Talking Points

Ethics Challenges

Online Learning Module 7

Chapter 8. Storytelling: Broadcast
Broadcast Story Types


Choosing Sound

Choosing Video

Writing to Sound

Writing to Video


Special Story Types


Taking It Home

Talking Points

Ethics Challenges

Online Learning Module 8

Chapter 9. Storytelling: Digital
Data Visualization


Social Media Storytelling

Live Blogs

Mobile Storytelling

The Multimedia Advantage

Taking It Home

Talking Points

Ethics Challenges

Online Learning Module 9

Chapter 10. Producing: Broadcast
The Journalist Producer

Show Choreography

Audience and Ratings

Newscast Teases

Social Media in the Newscast

Newscasts of the Future

Taking It Home

Talking Points

Ethics Challenges

Online Learning Module 10

Chapter 11. Producing: Digital
Continuous Production Mode

The Digital Producer

Growing Digital Audience

User-Generated Content

Planning the Multimedia Story

Digital Innovation

Taking It Home

Talking Points

Ethics Challenges

Online Learning Module 11

Chapter 12. Delivering the News


Live Shots



Taking It Home

Talking Points

Ethics Challenges

Online Learning Module 12

Chapter 13. Getting Ready for the Real World
Multimedia Job Searches

Job Applications


On the Job

The Journalism Business

Taking It Home

Talking Points

Ethics Challenges

Online Learning Module 13

Glossary of Multimedia Journalism Terms


Study Site

It's a multimedia world, and today's journalists must develop a multimedia mindset. How does this way of thinking change the newsgathering and news production processes? Having conceived of and written their book in this changed media landscape, broadcast veterans Wenger and Potter seamlessly build on the fundamentals of good television reporting while teaching students to use depth, interactivity and immediacy as they maximize the advantages of each platform. To show how the book's lessons work in the field, every chapter includes interactive chapter exercises, skill-building tutorials and analysis from journalism experts.

This textbook takes a systematic approach to teaching broadcast and multimedia journalism to students.  Easy to follow [and] very relatable for students.  Visually appealing…Love this textbook.”

Beth Bingham Georges
California State University, Fullerton

A soup to nuts, everything but the kitchen sink approach to the news business today.”

J. Patrick McGrail
Jacksonville State University
Key features
  • A new chapter on social media as a journalistic tool shows students how to write and report on social media as well as use it to engage audiences.

  • A new feature in every chapter called “Ethics in Action” enables students to explore ethical challenges relevant to the topics being discussed, along with best practices for addressing the myriad of ethical decisions journalists must make every day.

  • An exploration of the rise of newer, immersive technologies shows students how to use tools such as 360 video and images, augmented and virtual reality, and others for more effective storytelling.

  • A revised and expanded section on working with data helps students hone their data-driven storytelling skills and offer strategies and tools for simple-to-produce visualizations.

  • Multiple examples from a wider variety of journalists and journalism organizations expose students to a broad spectrum of journalism careers, including those working in new types of digitally-focused jobs and featuring digital-only news outlets.
  • The use of social media as a journalistic tool focuses on reporting with social media, writing for social media and using social media to engage audiences.

  • The importance of mobile devices for news consumption and the use of mobile devices in newsgathering and delivery of news content is emphasized. 

  • Coverage of the elements needed to make video stories worth watching includes how to shoot sequences from different angles.

  • Know and Tell features showcase professional journalists who share insights on multiplatform approaches and industry changes.

  • Trade Tools features include authors’ training materials, such as helpful checklists with tips and best practices.

  • Taking It Home summaries provide brief chapter wrap-ups.

Please list changes to each element, including textual revision, tables, maps, charts, figures, data, readings, etc, as applicable.


The preface has been changed to reflect the new approach to instruction related to ethical decision making and to explain the rationale behind a separate chapter on social media.





Chapter 1:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: The chapter opens with an updated coverage scenario illustrating the role social media plays for many journalists on a daily basis. Additional discussion of social media’s importance in engaging audience is included, as well as an “Ethics in Action” feature, which focuses on tools for ethical decision making.  Six new images were added and Table 1.1 and Figure 1.1 have been updated with new data and statistics.

Chapter 2:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: This chapter now includes a section on the “slow journalism” movement and a discussion of how to interview for multiple platforms, as well as a new Know & Tell feature on finding stories.  The Ethics in Action segments cover the importance of diverse sources and ethical interviews.  A new ethics question has been added to the end-of-chapter pedagogy. Five new images were added, along with new examples of interview policies.

Chapter 3:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: This chapter has a significant number of changes – it now incorporates much greater detail on using smartphones and drones in the newsgathering process.  A new Trade Tools is specifically designed for MMJs and Ethics in Action segments focus on staging video and appropriate use of undercover reporting. This chapter also includes nine new images, including a series of five to illustrate video sequencing, and a new “Know and Tell” feature on interviewing.






Chapter 4:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: Added social media to the reporting checklist; added Ethics in Action sections on interview agreements and the links you choose to include in your story.  We’ve also added or updated 10 images in the chapter.

Chapter 5:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: This is an entirely new chapter with sections on finding stories and engaging audience, as well as best practices for creating ethical and effective content for social platforms.  This chapter relies on the latest research about social media as a newsgathering and dissemination tool and has all new Know & Tell and Trade Tools features, as well as all new images. 

Chapter 6:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: Added Ethics in Action on plagiarism and fabrication, and a section on fairness.

Chapter 7:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: At the suggestion of reviewers, we’ve added a significant amount of material on writing in the print style. We have new examples of writing for broadcast and the web, and a new Know & Tell on the use of Twitter as a “notebook” for field reporters. Ethical use of news releases and a new ethics questions related to social media have been added to the chapter as well.

Chapter 8:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: Added ethics discussions of digital manipulation of video, audio and images.





Chapter 9:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: We added a section on how to create newsworthy memes, significantly revised the section on creating slide shows, discussed best practices in producing content for specific social media platforms, added more on mobile reporting and created a new section on immersive storytelling, including AR, VR and 360. New data and references were added.

Chapter 10:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: We added a new Know & Tell on producing and updated information about audience measurement. Ethics in Action segments deal with fair use and content agreements. Expanded discussion on the producer’s role in social media and updated section on the future of video news delivery.

Chapter 11:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: We added new perspectives from various digital producers, revised the section on producing mobile content, user-generated content (UGC) and crowdsourcing.  We added ethics sections on corrections, use of UGC and native advertising. New sections on chat bots, voice interaction and multimedia storytelling are also included.

Chapter 12:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: We updated sections on stand ups and live reporting. New ethics challenges focus on live reporting and we add best practices for live streaming in a new Trade Tools. Signifcant new material added on podcasting.

Chapter 13:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: We updated multimedia job searching data and the section on personal branding.  We incorporated a new Know & Tell on job hunting and added new discussion of on-the-job challenges, such as safety on live shots and protection from sex harassment. New salary data and updates on the journalism business are also included.





Chapter 14:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: Click here to enter text.

Chapter 15:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: Click here to enter text.

Chapter 16:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: Click here to enter text.

Chapter 17:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: Click here to enter text.

Chapter 18:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: Click here to enter text.





Chapter 19:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: Click here to enter text.

Chapter 20:

Please check all that apply

 Major Changes      Minor Changes      Changed Tables/Figures 

 Changed Data & Statistics          Changed References/Citation    

Summary of changes: Click here to enter text.

Please add additional chapters as needed here:

 Click here to enter text.

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