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Group Dynamics for Teams

Group Dynamics for Teams

Sixth Edition
  • Daniel Levi - California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, USA
  • David A. Askay - California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, USA

July 2020 | 472 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Grounded in psychology research but with a practical focus on organizational behavior issues, Group Dynamics for Teams helps readers understand and participate in teams more effectively in day-to-day work. Best-selling author Daniel Levi and new co-author David A. Askay thoroughly examine basic group dynamics concepts, such as goals, norms, cooperation, and communication, as well as review the main challenges that teams face, such as conflict, decision making, problem solving, creativity, and valuing diversity. Throughout the book are discussions of the organizational context of teams, including the impacts of organizational culture, virtual teamwork, rewarding teams, and team building.
New to This Edition
About the Authors
Part I: Characteristics of Teams
Chapter 1: Understanding Teams
Learning Objectives

1.1 Why Groups and Teams Matter

1.2 Defining Groups

1.3 Defining Teams

1.4 Why Organizations Use Teams

1.5 Purposes and Types of Teams

1.6 History of Teams and Group Dynamics


Team Leadership Challenge 1

Survey: Attitudes Toward Teamwork

Activity: Working in Teams

Chapter 2: Defining Team Success
Learning Objectives

2.1 Nature of Team Success

2.2 Conditions for Team Success

2.3 Characteristics of Successful Teams

2.4 Positive-Psychology View of Team Success

2.5 Using Teams in the Workplace


Team Leadership Challenge 2

Activity: Understanding Team Success

Part II: Processes of Teamwork
Chapter 3: Team Beginnings
Learning Objectives

3.1 Stages of Group Development

3.2 Group Socialization

3.3 Team Goals

3.4 Team Norms

3.5 Application: Jump-Starting Project Teams


Team Leadership Challenge 3

Activity: Observing Team Development

Activity: Developing a Team Charter

Chapter 4: Understanding the Basic Team Processes
Learning Objectives

4.1 Motivation

4.2 Group Cohesion

4.3 Team Roles

4.4 Task and Social Behaviors

4.5 Team Adaptation and Learning

4.6 Basic Team Processes in Virtual Teams


Team Leadership Challenge 4

Activity: Tracking Teamwork Behaviors

Chapter 5: Cooperation and Competition
Learning Objectives

5.1 Teamwork as a Mixed-Motive Situation

5.2 Why Are People in Teams Competitive?

5.3 Problems With Competition

5.4 Benefits of and Problems With Cooperation

5.5 Application: Encouraging Cooperation

Leading Virtual Teams: Building Trust and Social Relationships


Team Leadership Challenge 5

Survey: Cooperative, Competitive, or Individualistic Orientation

Activity: Understanding Competitive Versus Cooperative Goals

Chapter 6: Communication
Learning Objectives

6.1 The Communication Process

6.2 Flow of a Team’s Communication

6.3 Emotional Intelligence

6.4 Facilitating Team Meetings

6.5 Communication Skills for Team Meetings


Team Leadership Challenge 6

Survey: Team Emotional Intelligence

Activity: Observing Communication Patterns in a Team

Part III: Issues Teams Face
Chapter 7: Managing Conflict
Learning Objectives

7.1 Conflict Is Normal

7.2 Sources of Conflict

7.3 Types of Conflict

7.4 Conflict Management

7.5 Preventing and Preparing for Team Conflict


Team Leadership Challenge 7

Survey: Conflict Management Styles

Activity: Observing Conflict Management Styles

Chapter 8: Social Influence and Power
Learning Objectives

8.1 Understanding Social Influence and Power

8.2 Types Of Power

8.3 Power Dynamics

8.4 Empowerment

8.5 Application: Acting Assertively


Team Leadership Challenge 8

Activity: Using Power Styles—Passive, Aggressive, and Assertive

Chapter 9: Decision Making
Learning Objectives

9.1 Decision Making in Teams

9.2 Deciding How to Decide: Evaluating Decision-Making Approaches

9.3 Individual Decision Making

9.4 Group Decision Making

9.5 Crowd and Algorithmic Decision Making


Team Leadership Challenge 9

Activity: Making Consensus Decisions

Activity: Group Versus Individual Decision Making

Chapter 10: Leadership and Followership
Learning Objectives

10.1 Defining Leadership

10.2 Leadership Emergence

10.3 Models of Effective Leadership

10.4 Team Leadership

10.5 Followership


Team Leadership Challenge 10

Activity: Observing the Leader’s Behavior

Chapter 11: Problem Solving
Learning Objectives

11.1 Understanding Problems

11.2 Descriptive Approach: How Teams Typically Solve Problems

11.3 Rational Problem Solving: How Teams Should Solve Problems

11.4 Application: Constructing a Shared Mental Model Through Process Mapping


Team Leadership Challenge 11

Activity: Using Problem-Solving Techniques

Chapter 12: Creativity, Innovation, and Design Thinking
Learning Objectives

12.1 Creativity and Innovation

12.2 Four Phases of the Idea Journey

12.3 What Is Design Thinking?

12.4 The Design Thinking Process

12.5 Promoting Team Creativity and Innovation

12.6 Virtual Creativity


Team Leadership Challenge 12

Activity: Comparing Different Creativity Techniques

Chapter 13: Diversity and Inclusion
Learning Objectives

13.1 The Importance of Diversity

13.2 Difference and Diversity

13.3 How Diversity Operates

13.4 Effects of Diversity on Team Performance

13.5 Application: Supporting Diversity and Inclusion


Team Leadership Challenge 13

Survey: Work Group Inclusion

Activity: Understanding Gender and Status Differences in a Team

Part IV: Organizational Context of Teams
Chapter 14: Team, Organizational, and International Culture
Learning Objectives

14.1 What Is Culture?

14.2 Team Culture

14.3 Defining Organizational Culture

14.4 Organizational Culture and Teamwork

14.5 Dimensions of International Culture

14.6 International Differences in Teamwork

14.7 Multinational Teams

14.8 Cultural Intelligence


Team Leadership Challenge 14

Survey: Individualism–Collectivism

Activity: Evaluating a Team’s Culture and Cultural Context

Activity: Comparing Teams in the United States and Japan

Chapter 15: Virtuality and Teamwork
Learning Objectives

15.1 Virtuality and Virtual Teams

15.2 Communication Technologies

15.3 Geographic Dispersion

15.4 Managing Virtuality on Teams


Team Leadership Challenge 15

Activity: Developing Norms for Virtual Teams

Activity: Experiencing Teamwork in a Simulated Virtual Team

Chapter 16: Evaluating and Rewarding Team Performance
Learning Objectives

16.1 Performance Management

16.2 Evaluating Performance

16.3 Rewarding Performance


Team Leadership Challenge 16

Survey: Individual Versus Team Rewards

Activity: Evaluating and Rewarding a Project Team

Activity: Team Halo Effect

Chapter 17: Team Development Interventions
Learning Objectives

17.1 What Are Team Development Interventions?

17.2 Team Building

17.3 Types of Team-Building Programs

17.4 Team Training

17.5 Types of Training


Team Leadership Challenge 17

Activity: Team Building

Activity: Appreciative Inquiry of Teamwork

Appendix: Guide to Student Team Projects
A.1 Starting the Team

A.2 Planning and Developing the Project
A.3 Monitoring the Project and Maintaining Teamwork

A.4 Performing Team Writing

A.5 Wrapping Up and Completing the Project



Instructor Website

Online resources included with this text

The online resources for your text are available via the password-protected Instructor Resource Site, which offers access to all text-specific resources, including a test bank and editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides.

This book has all the content I want to cover in class and the Instructor resources are a welcome addition.

Mr Joseph Nicholas Cooper
Communication, Mercy College-Dobbs Ferry
January 8, 2024

Great coverage of topic, well organized. I especially like the Leadership Challenge exercises and many of the Activities as well, though I teach this class online and many of these activities cannot be adapted for remote learning. Considering how many course are now offered online (or hybrid), it would be good to offer options that do not involve face-to-face interaction.

Dr Debra Louis
Management, Maharishi International University
December 20, 2022
Key features
  • Chapter-opening learning objectives have been updated and rephrased to align with Bloom’s Taxonomy.
  • An emphasis on culture, diversity, and virtuality appears throughout the text and in dedicated chapters.
  • Chapters have been updated with contemporary and engaging examples ranging from aggregating group responses to locate a lost sunken submarine to the use of desk doors at Amazon as a symbol of organizational values.
  • Updated and expanded research includes over 500 new references, 280 of which are from research conducted since 2014.


  • Practical coverage of basic group dynamics concepts, including goals, norms, cooperation, and communication, gives readers the understanding they need to work effectively in teams.
  • An emphasis on the main challenges that teams face, such as conflict, decision making, problem solving, creativity, and valuing diversity, prepares students to be more effective team members and leaders.
  • Case studies with discussion questions provide a realistic look at how teams function in the everyday world.
  • Student learning aids include summaries of key content, chapter-ending activities for application of concepts, and surveys with discussion questions that personalize the learning experience.
  • Examines basic group dynamics concepts, such as goals, norms, cooperation, and communication
  • Reviews the main challenges that teams face—such as conflict, decision making, problem solving, creativity, and valuing diversity
  • Discusses the organizational context of teams—including the impacts of organizational culture, virtual teamwork, rewarding teams, and team building
  • An appendix contains tools and advice to help students in project teams