Journal of Official Statistics
The Journal of Official Statistics (JOS) is a quarterly peer-reviewed open access scientific journal published by Sage on behalf of Statistics Sweden in cooperation with Statistics Norway and Statistics Finland. JOS publishes research articles on survey methodology and other aspects of production of official statistics. The intended readers are researchers and practitioners in academia, government, business or research organisations with an interest in survey methodology and production of official statistics.
Submit your manuscript today at mc.manuscriptcentral.com/joffstats.
The Journal of Official Statistics (JOS) is a quarterly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Statistics Sweden in cooperation with Statistics Norway and Statistics Finland. JOS publishes research articles on survey methodology and other aspects of production of official statistics. The intended readers are researchers and practitioners in academia, government, business or research organizations with an interest in survey methodology and production of official statistics.
Articles on the following topics are included:
methodologies and policies for the collection, processing, and analysis of data and the presentation and dissemination of statistics, based on traditional surveys, censuses, registers, or new and emerging types of data sources. Articles may present theoretical and methodological contributions, relevant applications of existing methods, comparisons of different methods, or authoritative reviews. Such topics include:
- survey design;
- questionnaire design and evaluation;
- measurement error;
- estimation and inference;
- data collection;
- analytical uses of data;
- computer intensive methods;
- imputation;
- index methodology;
- time series analysis;
- quality aspects of official statistics production;
- confidentiality;
- total survey error;
- systems and architectures for statistical production;
- the role of statistics in today's society;
- the relationships between producers, users, and respondents; and
- evaluation and identification of statistical needs.
Apart from research articles, the journal also considers research notes, comments on recent articles, and other communications in a shorter format for publication.
Joakim Stymne | Statistics Sweden (Director General) |
Suad Elezovic | Statistics Sweden |
Lilli Japec | Statistics Sweden (Chair) |
Henri Luomaranta-Helmivuo | Statistics Finland |
Yingfu Xie | Statistics Sweden |
Li-Chun Zhang | Statistics Norway |
Alina Matei | University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland |
Rebecca Andridge | The Ohio State University, USA |
Fabio Bacchini | Italian National Institute of Statistics, Italy |
Bernard Baffour | Australian National University, Australia |
Nancy Bates | USA |
Marcus Berzofsky | RTI International, USA |
Jakub Bijak | University of Southampton, UK |
Patrick J. Cantwell | U.S. Census Bureau, USA |
Carmela Cappelli | University of Naples, Italy |
Guillaume Chauvet | ENSAI, France |
James Chipperfield | ABS, Australia |
Asaph Young Chun | U.S. Census Bureau, USA |
Michael Cohen | Consultant, USA |
Estela Dagum | Consultant, USA |
Jörgen Dalén | Consultant, Sweden |
Luciana Dalla Valle | University of Plymouth, UK |
Edith De Leeuw | Utrecht University, Belgium |
Francesca Di Iorio | University of Naples, Italy |
Josep Domingo-Ferrer | Rovira i Virgili University, Spain |
Teresa Edwards | University of North Carolina, USA |
Duncan Elliott | Office for National Statistics, UK |
John Eltinge | U.S. Census Bureau, USA |
Eva Elvers | Sweden |
Anders Holmberg | ABS, Australia |
Martin Karlberg | Eurostat, Luxembourg |
Sune Karlsson | Örebro University, Sweden |
Jae-Kwang Kim | Iowa State University, USA |
Phillip Kott | RTI International, USA |
Frances Krsinich | Ministry of Business, New Zealand |
Yuli Liang | Örebro University, Sweden |
David Marker | Westat, Inc., USA |
Alina Matei | University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland |
Florian Meinfelder | Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg, Germany |
Mary Mulry | U.S. Census Bureau, USA |
Hans Nyquist | Stockholm University, Sweden |
Maria Ranalli | University of Perugia, Italy |
David Salgado | Complutense University of Madrid, Spain |
Malte Schierholz | (Germany) |
Barry Schouten | Statistics Netherlands, the Netherlands |
Yajuan Si | University of Michigan, USA |
Paul Smith | University of Southampton, UK |
Olivia Ståhl | Statistics Sweden, Sweden |
Jenny Thompson | U.S. Census Bureau, USA |
Nikos Tzavidis | University of Southampton, UK |
James Wagner | University of Michigan, USA |
Elaine Zanutto | National Analysts Worldwide, USA |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.