Concepts and Practice
- Bryn Holmes - Concordia University, Montréal, Canada
- John Gardner - The University of Stirling, UK
Using examples from around the world, the authors of e-Learning: Concepts and Practices provide an in-depth examination of past, present and future e-learning approaches, and explore the implications of applying e-learning in practice.
Topics include:
- educational evolution
- enriching the learning experience
- learner empowerment
- design concepts and considerations
- creation of e-communities
- communal constructivism
This book is essential reading for anyone involved in technology enhanced learning systems, whether an expert or coming new to the area. It will be of particular relevance to those involved in teaching or studying for information technology in education degrees, in training through e-learning courses and with developing e-learning resources.
Bryn Holmes is an assistant professor in Education at Concordia University, Montreal and director of an Internet company, Inishnet, which offers research and consultancy in online education.
John Gardner is a professor of education at Queen's University, Belfast and his main research areas include policy and practice in information and communications technology in education.
An excellent read related to the different types of learning approaches using technology.
A super book which you are able to dip in and dip out of. This book is ideal for any course which incorporates ICT/E-learning into the curriculum. Some interesting chapters about e-learning theories and suggestions for further research. I found it especially useful for the PGCE and BAHonours in Education programmes. Well recommended.
This book has been written in a way that anyone new to e-learning can understand what it’s all about. The ‘boxes’ with activities and websites to view are really useful – they help bring the concepts to life and put theory into practice. The text is a decent size and there is plenty of white space on the page which makes the reading of the chapters comfortable. The inclusion of theories is a bonus and not too off-putting. This book will be a bonus to all our trainee teachers who will be using e-learning in their practice.
I found this to be a most useful text that I would recommend as supplementary material for DTLLS students. It would be of particular use for the Level 5 Option Unit on Resources.
I very much liked Chapter 5 - theory of e-learning, I thought this would be of use to DTLLS students for Unit 5 - personal and professional development.
The activity boxes for each Chapter were of relevance however, there is a risk that these will go out of date quickly as the web changes.
Overall the book was clearly set out and accessible for all trainee teachers.
Thank you
This is a useful supplementary text for trainees wishing to get to grips with aspects of e-learning. It is clearly written and accessible.
I am recommending the newer e-earning book.
I ordered the book for my students this year, but found it a little bit too wide, therefore viewing the next e-learning book to see if I want to change it for next year.
This is a lovely simple text which explains a range of aspects on e-learning which i had been unable to find previously. This is great for learners looking at ICT and lecturers undertaking their PGCE.
Useful text to support understanding for students with useful exercises to test developing skills.
A very good text book looking at E-Learning in education and the many applications of this