Mental Health Nursing
An Evidence Based Introduction
- Steven Pryjmachuk - University of Manchester, UK
This book introduces you to the core skills and essential knowledge you need to deliver high-quality care.
Mental Health Nursing is a practical, values- and evidence-based resource which will guide and support you through your pre-registration mental health nursing programme and into your own practice.
Dedicated chapters focus on the major mental health problems, and are clearly structured so that you can quickly and easily identify what you want learn about helping people with, for example, depression, anxiety, psychosis, or acute mental health problems.
The most up-to-date theories, as well as mental health policies and law from all four countries of the UK, are explained accessibly by experienced lecturers and nurse practitioners who show you through real-life case scenarios how you can use your newly-acquired knowledge and skills to deliver high-quality care yourself. You will also be encouraged - through regular reflection and discussion points - to see things with a critical eye and to engage in and drive on the debates that make mental health nursing such an exciting field to be studying and working in.
Set within a framework which emphasises and makes clear the core skills, values and knowledge-base you need to become capable mental health nurse, you will find this book a vital companion as you progress through your studies and onto helping people confidently in everyday life.
This is a usueful book and is used as supplementary text for second year students
creates a useful link between theory and practice
This book is essential reading for all pre-registration mental health nursing students. It is clear and concise and evidence based. I shall be recommending this book to all my students .
I think this will be a very useful text for those on the pre registration child branch course. The section on mental helth difficulties in young people is clear and informative.
This is an excellent text - it covers essential subjects, is thorough, clear and very readable.
This is an excellent text for student mental health nurses. Each chapter provides sufficient depth for the students to explore the heart of different areas of nursing.
Course about to be rewritten for validation in 2012.
This is an extremely well written and concise text that covers almost everything the trainee nurse needs to know. It also then provides a good spring board in terms of developing themes and references for the student to move on to deeper more advanced levels of skill and knowledge. It is now a key text on our training course.
A very comprehensive, well written book, simple to understand and extremely relevant to the practice of Mental health nursing. The book is highly recommended as essential to students undertaking the module "Becoming a Mental Health Nurse"
Pryjmachuk, S. (2011) Mental Health Nursing: An Evidence-Based Introduction. London. Sage
This presents a comprehensive introduction to mental health nursing, although it could be useful to any professional entering the field of mental health. It outlines the history of mental health and psychiatry, going on to explain current trends, approaches and legislation. It presents an understanding of the various disorders seen in Mental Health services, demonstrating what should be done in the areas of assessment, planning of care and evaluation. Of particular usefulness is the provision of key texts, key policy documents, web resources and references at the end of each chapter. It is also useful that the authors include policy and legislation from all 4 countries within the UK.