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Sociological Methods & Research

Sociological Methods & Research

eISSN: 15528294 | ISSN: 00491241 | Current volume: 53 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly

Now Indexed in the Research Papers in Economics (RePEC) database. Search 2010 issue articles here.

When your research depends on the very latest information on the collection, measurement and analysis of data, turn to SMR/Sociological Methods & Research. For more than three decades, SMR has been a leading source of quantitative research methodology in the social sciences.

Each issue of SMR presents new techniques and innovative approaches to recurring research challenges and also clarifies existing methods. SMR/Sociological Methods & Research provides the state-of-the-art tools that researchers and academics like yourself need to hone your skills and increase the validity of your research findings.

An Interdisciplinary Perspective
Each quarterly issue of SMR/Sociological Methods & Research brings you empirically based articles from a variety of perspectives, exploring research methods that are applicable to a wide range of fields, including: Anthropology Criminology Demography Economics Education Management Political Science Psychology Sociology

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Sociological Methods & Research is a quarterly journal devoted to sociology as a cumulative empirical science. The objectives of SMR are multiple, but emphasis is placed on articles that advance the understanding of the field through systematic presentations that clarify methodological problems and assist in ordering the known facts in an area. Review articles will be published, particularly those that emphasize a critical analysis of the status of the arts, but original presentations that are broadly based and provide new research will also be published. Intrinsically, SMR is viewed as substantive journal but one that is highly focused on the assessment of the scientific status of sociology. The scope is broad and flexible, and authors are invited to correspond with the editors about the appropriateness of their articles.

Felix Elwert University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA
Managing Editor
Shruti Parthasarathy University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA
Associate Editors
Stefanie DeLuca Johns Hopkins University, USA
Brandon Stewart Princeton University, USA
Brady T. West University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA
Xiang Zhou Harvard University
Founding Editors
George W. Bohrnstedt American Institute for Research, USA
Edgar F. Borgatta Anthropology, University of Washington, USA
Editorial Board
Weihua An Emory University, USA
Kenneth A. Bollen University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Jennie Brand University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Edith de Leeuw Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Cees H. Elzinga VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands
Jeremy Freese Stanford University, USA
John Gerring Boston University, USA
Gary Goertz University of Notre Dame, USA
Jacques A. P. Hagenaars Tilburg University, Netherlands
David Harding University of California - Berkeley, USA
Melissa Hardy Pennsylvania State University, USA
Eszter Hargittai University of Zurich, Switzerland
John W. Jackson Johns Hopkins University, USA
Guillermina Jasso New York University, USA
Jack Katz University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Gary King Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
Frauke Kreuter University of Maryland, College Park, USA
Kenneth C. Land Duke University, USA
Joel Levine Dartmouth College, USA
J. Scott Long Indiana University, USA
Ian Lundberg Cornell University, USA
Liying Luo Pennsylvania State University, USA
James Mahoney Northwestern University, USA
John Mirowsky University of Texas-Austin, USA
Stephen Morgan Johns Hopkins University, USA
Trond Petersen University of California, USA
Daniel Powers University of Texas, Austin, USA
Charles C. Ragin University of California, Irvine, USA
Rosa W. Runhardt Radboud University, Netherlands
Willem E. Saris Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
Nora Cate Schaeffer University of Wisconsin, USA
Carsten Schneider Central European University, Hungary
Mario Luis Small Columbia University
Herbert L. Smith University of Pennsylvania, USA
Michael E. Sobel International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution
Elizabeth Stuart Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Roger Tourangeau Westat, USA
Peter G. M. van der Heijden Utrecht University, Netherlands
Tyler J. VanderWeele Harvard School of Public Health, USA
Jeroen Vermunt Tilburg University, Netherlands
Paul von Hippel University of Texas-Austin
David L. Weakliem University of Connecticut, USA
Christopher Winship Harvard University, USA
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  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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