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Teacher Assessment and the Assessment of Students with Diverse Learning Needs

Teacher Assessment and the Assessment of Students with Diverse Learning Needs
Review of Research in Education

First Edition

Volume: 39
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March 2015 | SAGE Publications, Inc

Teacher Assessment and the Assessment of Students With Diverse Learning Needs

Edited by Jamal Abedi and Christian J. Faltis, both at University of California, Davis


Assessments play an integral role in instruction, placement, promotion and efforts to ensure that students and teachers receive the support they need for success.  At the same time, serious consequences can result if assessments are not constructed and used properly. If, for any reason, the assessment report results are not dependable due to unreliable or invalid tests, this can jeopardize the very population they were intended to serve. In Review of Research in Education (Volume 39), the authors bring awareness to specific considerations necessary in the use of high-stakes assessments, shed light on the decisions made based on the results of assessments and explore the implications of using high-stakes assessments for students with diverse learning needs. As the nation moves toward the development and implementation of a new generation of assessments, attention to teacher assessment and the assessment of students with diverse learning needs is of paramount importance. 

Jamal Abedi and Christian Faltis
Teacher Assessment and the Assessment of Students With Diverse Learning Needs
Drew H. Gitomer and Robert C. Zisk Consulting Editor: Margarita Calderón
Knowing What Teachers Know
Ayesha Madni, Eva L. Baker, Kirby A. Chow, Girlie C. Delacruz, and Noelle C. Griffin Consulting Editor: Barbara J. Merino
Assessment of Teachers From a Social Psychological Perspective
Authors: Kip Téllez and Eduardo Mosqueda Consulting Editor: Sylvia Celedón-Pattichis
Developing Teachers’ Knowledge and Skills at the Intersection of English Language Learners and Language Assessment
Timothy Boals, Dorry M. Kenyon, Alissa Blair, M. Elizabeth Cranley, Carsten Wilmes, and Laura J. Wright Consulting Editor: Robert Linquanti
Transformation in K–12 English Language Proficiency Assessment: Changing Contexts, Changing Constructs
Suzanne Lane and Brian Leventhal Consulting Editor: Kadriye Ercikan
Psychometric Challenges in Assessing English Language Learners and Students With Disabilities
Stephen G. Sireci and Molly Faulkner-Bond Consulting Editor: Thomas M. Haladyna
Promoting Validity in the Assessment of English Learners
Alison L. Bailey and Patricia E. Carroll Consulting Editor: Marianne Perie
Assessment of English Language Learners in the Era of New Academic Content Standards
Ryan J. Kettler Consulting Editor: Stephanie W. Cawthon
Adaptations and Access to Assessment of Common Core Content
Martha L. Thurlow and Rebecca J. Kopriva Consulting Editor: Cara Cahalan Laitusis
Advancing Accessibility and Accommodations in Content Assessments for Students With Disabilities and English Learners
Randy Elliot Bennett Consulting Editor: Edward D. Roeber
The Changing Nature of Educational Assessment
About the Editors
About the Contributors

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ISBN: 9781473926714