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Research Methods lies at the heart of Sage and we are proud to have supported the research community for over 50 years with an unrivalled range of books and resources for teaching at all levels. To recognize hard work and achievement, the Sage Student Research Methods Prize rewards a student in your department who has made the most significant achievement with a research project or shown the greatest improvement.
What is the prize?
Nominated students will be awarded with a £100 worth of Sage books and a certificate of recognition for their hard work and dedication.
How can my institution claim this prize for one of our students?
1. Lecturers interested in making the Sage Student Research Methods Prize available to their students should first consult their colleagues to decide how the prize would be targeted within your department.
2. Choose your winning student then complete a nomination form and email this your local sales representative .
3. A representative from Sage will contact the student about how to claim their prize and receive their certificate and then will contact you to confirm your nomination.
Why should my institution get involved?
How does the prize benefit my students?
Nomination eligibility:
Lecturers interested in making the Sage Student Research Methods Prize available to their students should first consult their colleagues to decide how the prize would be targeted within the department. The prize is only awarded to each institution once annually, so it is important that there is a consensus within the department about the criteria for awarding the prize before any nominations are submitted.
Winners are chosen at the discretion of the individual department. The prize can be awarded to any student who the department feels has made the most significant achievement with a research project or shown the greatest improvement over the course of the academic year. This can be taken from coursework or examinations. The prize is awarded to each institution once annually to one student only.
Once you've picked the name of your winner, please complete a nomination form, and submit it to your local rep. Winners will receive a message within 4 weeks of receipt of lecturer’s nominations. The winning student will be sent an email, with their certificate attached, congratulating them on their achievement and explaining how they can claim their prize. This can be sent either direct to the student's address or care of the university - whichever is preferred. The winner then chooses books from the Sage website to the value of £100 that will be dispatched to the student, or to the university, if you would prefer to formally present the student with their prize. If you require the books to be delivered by a specific date, then you should aim to provide us with the name of your winner at least 4 weeks in advance. This will give us the time to contact the student, for them to make their choice of books, and for the prize to be delivered.
Winners will receive a message within 4 weeks of receipt of lecturer’s nominations