Joseph S. Tuman San Francisco State University, USA
Joseph S. Tuman (J.D., University of California, Berkeley; B.A., political science, University of California, Berkeley) is Professor of Political and Legal Communications at San Francisco State University, where he regularly teaches upper-division courses in rhetoric and terrorism, political and legal communication, argumentation & advocacy, and technology and human communication. A past recipient of the Jacobus tenBroek Society Award for Teaching Excellence, Professor Tuman has also taught at the University of California, St. Mary’s College, the New School for Social esearch, and Paris II, the top law school in France. He is the author of
Political Communication in American Campaigns (SAGE, ©2008) and the co-author of numerous books, including
Freedom of Speech in the Marketplace of Ideas and of
The Bedford/St. Martin's Guide to Public Speaking ; he has also been the journal editor of
Contemporary Argumentation & Debate: The Journal of the Cross Examination Debate Association . His work has been featured in news publications such as the
New York Times, Los Angeles Times and the
San Francisco Chronicle , and he has served as a network analyst for news programs on ABC, NBC, CNN and CNN International, FOX and the BBC. He currently appears as a regular political commentator for CBS in the western United States.
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Published: August 2010
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Communicating Terror The Rhetorical Dimensions of Terrorism,Second Edition
Published: January 2010
From £81.00
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Published: December 2007
From £109.00