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Journal of Service Research

Journal of Service Research

eISSN: 15527379 | ISSN: 10946705 | Current volume: 27 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly

Widely considered the world’s leading service research journal, the Journal of Service Research (JSR) is a must read to keep up with the latest in service research. Practical and readable, JSR offers the necessary knowledge and tools to cope with an increasingly service-based economy. JSR features articles by the world’s leading service experts, from both academia and the business world.

The Journal of Service Research offers an international and multidisciplinary perspective on the best management practices in:

  • Service marketing
  • Service operations
  • Service human resources
  • e-Service
  • Economics of service
  • Service information systems
  • Customer satisfaction and service quality
  • Global issues in service

JSR is sponsored by the Center for Excellence in Service at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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The mission of the Journal of Service Research is to be the leading outlet for the most advanced research in service marketing, service operations, service human resources and organizational design, service information systems, customer satisfaction and service quality, electronic commerce, and the economics of service. The journal is constructed to be international in scope, in keeping with the increase globalization of business; multidisciplinary, in keeping with how the best management is done; and relevant to the business world in a majority of its articles.

Ming-Hui Huang National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Florian Von Wangenheim ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Clay Voorhees University of Alabama, USA
Martin Wetzels EDHEC Business School, France
Senior Editor of Marketing
Werner Kunz University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA
Advisory Board
Leonard Berry Texas A&M University, USA
Mary Jo Bitner Arizona State University, USA
Michael K. Brady Florida State University, USA
Stephen W. Brown Arizona State University, USA
Bo Edvardsson Karlstad University, Sweden
Christian Gronroos Hanken School of Economics, Finland
Kay Lemon Boston College, USA
Parsu Parasuraman University of Miami, USA
Adrian Payne University of New South Wales, Australia
Linda Price University of Wyoming, USA
Roland Rust University of Maryland, USA
Benjamin Schneider University of Maryland, USA
Jagdish Sheth Emory University, USA
Steven Shugan University of Florida, USA
James (Jim) Spohrer IBM, USA
Valarie Zeithaml University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Associate Editors
Michael Ahearne University of Houston, USA
Laurel Anderson Arizona State University, USA
Todd Arnold Oklahoma State, USA
Seigyoung Auh Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA
Tom Baker The University of Alabama, USA
Sabine Benoit Surrey Business School, UK
Markus Blut Aston University, UK
Tilo Bohmann University Hambug, Germany
Lisa Bolton Penn State University, USA
Sterling Bone Utah State University, USA
Tom Brown Oklahoma State University, USA
Jennifer Chandler California State University, Fullerton, USA
Jerome Cronin Florida State University, USA
Ad De Jong Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Beibei Dong Lehigh University, USA
Paul Fombelle Northeastern University, USA
Katja Gelbrich Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany
Yany Gregoire HEC Montreal, Canada
Dwayne Gremler Bowling Green University, USA
Anders Gustafsson BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
Jens Hogreve Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Germany
Linda Hollebeek Sunway University, Malaysia
Mark Houston Texas Christian University, USA
Elina Jaakkola Univeristy of Turku, Finland
Sertan Kabadayi Fordham University, USA
P.K. Kannan University of Maryland, USA
Mirella Kleijnen Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Werner Kunz University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA
Robert Kwortnik Cornell University, USA
Bart Lariviere Ghent University, Belgium
Barak Libai Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Israel
Dominik Mahr Maastricht University, Netherlands
James Maxham University of Virginia, USA
Martin Mende Arizona State University, USA
Vikas Mittal Rice University, USA
Andrea Ordanini Bocconi University, Italy
Chiara Orsingher Università degli Studi di Bologna, Italie
Amy Ostrom Arizona State University, USA
Parsu Parasuraman University of Miami, USA
Lia Patricio University of Porto, Portugal
Roland Rust University of Maryland, USA
Jan Schumann University of Passau, Germany
Jagdip Singh Case Western Reserve University, USA
Bernd Skiera Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Tuure Tuunanen University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Jenny van Doorn University of Groningen, Netherlands
Yves van Vaerenbergh KU Leuven, Belgium
Chris Voss Warwick Business School, UK
Lars Witell Karlstad University, Sweden
Nancy Wuenderlich Technology Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Editorial Review Board
Carl-Philip Ahlbom University of Bath, UK
Lerzan Aksoy Fordham University, USA
Matthew Alexander University of Strathclyde, UK
Linda Alkire Texas State University, USA
Eugene Anderson Syracuse University, USA
Tor Andreassen NHH Norweigan School of Economics, Norway
Mathieu Béal EMLYON Business School, France
Sharon Beatty University of Alabama, USA
Leonard Berry Texas A&M University, USA
Lance Bettencourt Texas Christian University, USA
Vera Blazevic Radboud University, The Netherlands
Chris Blocker Colorado State University, USA
Liliana Bove The University of Melbourne, Australia
Christoph Breidbach University of Melbourne, Australia
Elizabeth (Lisa) Brüggen Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Alex Buoye St. John's University, USA
Cheryl Burke-Jarvis Florida Atlantic University, USA
Riza Casidy Macquarie University, Australia
Kimmy Wa Chan Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Wei-Lun Chang National Taipei University, Taiwan
Helen Chun Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, USA
Tuck Siong Jonah Chung ESSEC Business School, Singapore
Robert Ciuchita Hanken School of Economics, Finland
Charles Colby Rockbridge Associates, USA
Tracey Danaher Monash University, Australia
Kate Daunt Cardiff University, UK
Arne De Keyser EDHEC Business School, Belgium
Thomas Dotzel McGill University, Canada
Andreas Eggert University of Paderborn, Germany
Andreas Eisingerich Imperial College London, UK
Amber Epp University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Ray Fisk Texas State University, USA
Andrea Flynn University of San Diego, USA
Olivier Furrer University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Andrew Gallan Florida Atlantic University, USA
Mike Giebelhausen Clemson University, USA
Mary Gilly University of California, Irvine, USA
Spiros Gounaris University of Strathclyde, Scotland
Dhruv Grewal Babson College, USA
Markus Groth UNSW Sydney, Australia
Thorsten Gruber Loughborough Univeristy, UK
Colleen Harmeling Florida State University, USA
Lloyd Harris University of Manchester, UK
Greg Heim Texas A&M University, USA
Alex Henkel Open University of The Netherlands, Netherlands
Ronald Hill American University, USA
Charles Hofacker Florida State University, USA
Maria Holmlund-Rytkönen Hanken School of Economics, Finland
Jonas Holmqvist KEDGE Business School, France
Carol Jones University of Alabama, USA
Brett Josephson George Mason University, USA
Ingo Oswald Karpen Business and Design Service Research Center, Sweden
Ujwal Kayande Melbourne Business School, Australia
Timothy Keiningham St. John's University, USA
Carol Kelleher Cork University, Ireland
Jan Kietzmann University of Victoria, Canada
Kaisa Koskela-Huotari Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Christian Kowalkowski Linköping University, Sweden
Per Kristensson Karlstad University, Sweden
Piyush Kumar University of Georgia, USA
Justin Lawrence Oklahoma State University, USA
Sarah Leroi-Werelds Hasselt University , Belgium
Jiun-Sheng Chris Lin National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Paul Maglio University of California, Merced, USA
Anna Mattila Pennsylvania State University, USA
Janet McColl-Kennedy University of Queensland, Australia
Bulent Menguc Kadir Has University, Turkey
Matthew Meuter California State University, Chico, USA
Ryan Mullins Clemson University, USA
Christopher Newman University of Mississippi, USA
Gaby Odekerken - Schröder Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Paul Patterson UNSW Sydney, Australia
Harrison Pugh University of North Carolina, USA
Stacey Robinson University of Alabama, USA
Anne Roggeveen Babson College, USA
Holger Roschk Aalborg University, Denmark
Tobias Schaefers Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Jeroen Schepers Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Javier Sese University of Zaragoza, Spain
Piyush Sharma School of Marketing, Curtin University, Australia
Steven Shugan University of Florida, USA
K Sivakumar Lehigh University, USA
Per Skalen Karlstad University, Sweden
Jeffrey Smith Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Phyra Sok Monash University, Austalia
James (Jim) Spohrer IBM, USA
Jill Sweeney University of Western Australia, Australia
Chuanyi Tang Old Dominion University, USA
Crina Tarasi Central Michigan University, USA
Gary Thompson Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, USA
Michael Tsiros University of Miami, USA
Wolfgang Ulaga INSEAD Europe Campus, France
Steve Vargo University of Oklahoma, USA
Sajeev Varki University of South Florida, USA
Katrien Verleye Ghent University, Belgium
Giampaolo Viglia University of Portsmouth, UK
Francisco Villarroel Ordenes LUISS Guido Carli University, Italy
Tillmann Wagner WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
Jochen Wirtz National University of Singapore, Singapore
Lars Witell Karlstad University, Sweden
Kristina Wittkowski Aalto University, Finland
Jeremy Wolter Auburn University, USA
Fan Xiucheng Fudan University, China
Editorial Manager
Tassilo von Bohlen und Halbach National Taiwan University, Taiwan
  • All-Russian Institute (VINITI) Abstract Journal
  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences
  • Contents Pages in Management
  • EBSCO: Business Source - Main Edition
  • EBSCO: Business Source Elite
  • EBSCO: Human Resources Abstracts
  • LexisNexis
  • NISC
  • PsycINFO
  • Psychological Abstracts
  • Scopus
  • Social SciSearch
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science)
  • Standard Periodical Directory (SPD)
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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