Campaigns on the Cutting Edge
Fourth Edition
Edited by:
- Richard J. Semiatin - American University, USA
April 2020 | 296 pages | CQ Press
Campaigns on the Cutting Edge evaluates the current trends of today’s campaigns and assesses the innovative changes these well-tuned organizations are making on the presidential, congressional, and gubernatorial levels. As technology now allows candidates to announce their candidacies online, raise money through web fundraising, and mobilize supporters via smartphones, these increasingly mobile and integrated campaigns face the growing influence of outside interests.
The thoroughly updated Fourth Edition looks at the 2018 midterm election and focuses on the rise of fake news, women's activism in the #MeToo movement, voter ballot access measures, and the ways in which technology increases the volume of information that campaigns use.
The thoroughly updated Fourth Edition looks at the 2018 midterm election and focuses on the rise of fake news, women's activism in the #MeToo movement, voter ballot access measures, and the ways in which technology increases the volume of information that campaigns use.
PART I - The New Political Campaign
Richard J. Semiatin
1. Introduction - Campaigns on the Cutting Edge
The New Political Campaign
The Evolving Campaign: Adaptation by Political Institutions and Groups
Robert G. Boatright
2. Fundraising: Toward Donor-Centered Politics?
The Old Model of Campaign Fundraising
Mixing Old and New Models of Fundraising
Large Unregulated Contributions and the Rise of Candidate Super PACs
Super PAC Surrogate Fundraising Committees for Presidential Candidates in 2016 and 2020
Does Candidate Fundraising Still Matter?
From Candidate-Centered to Donor-Centered Politics?
Thomas A. (Tad) Devine
3. Paid Media in Campaigns: Now and in the Future
The Importance of Audio and Video
Research-Based Message Development
Case Study: Bernie Sanders's 2016 Campaign for President
Cutting-Edge Changes in Advertising
Independent Expenditures
Michael Turk
4. Social and New Media Campaigns: Advantage or Source of Disinformation?
“Traditional” Online Media in Campaigns
Disinformation as a New Confounding Variable
Social Media Influencers
Reddit, Instagram, 9GAG, and More
The Mobile Voter
Conclusion: The Future of Online Media
Candice J. Nelson
5. Survey Research and Campaigns: Challenges and Opportunities
The 2016 Presidential Election
Challenges Facing Survey Research in Campaigns
Opportunities for Survey Research in Campaigns
Conclusion: The Future of Survey Research in Campaigns
Richard J. Semiatin
6. Voter Mobilization: An Unexpected Future
The Tradition of Parties Delivering Votes
Traditional Model of Targeting Voters
Voter Mobilization in the Twenty-First Century: Customer-Driven Campaigns
The Cutting Edge of Change: Into the Future With Voter Mobilization
PART II - The Evolving Campaign: Adaptation by Political Institutions and Groups
Tari Renner
7. Political Parties: In the Age of Populism and Reform
National Party Organizations: Structure and Reform
The Emergence and Institutionalization of the Service Party Model
Party Leadership and Strategies
The World Today: Parties Compete With Outside Groups for Resources
National Party Organizations: Traditional and New Technologies
GOTV: The Latest Voter Mobilization
New Media, Partnerships, and Populism
Future Challenges: Demographic Change and Realignment?
Nina Therese Kasniunas, Mark J. Rozell, and Charles N. W. Keckler
8. Interest Groups, Super PACs and Independent Expenditures: Driven by Ideology
Traditional Approaches by Interest Groups in Campaigns
Modern Techniques Employed by Traditional Interest Groups in Campaigns
The Emergence of Super PACs
501(c)(4) Groups and “Dark Money”
The Cutting Edge of Super PACs and 501(c)(4) Organizations
Interest Group Pursuit of Ballot Measures
New Technologies Enhance the Power of Interest Groups in Campaigns
Conclusion: Looking Ahead to Group-Centered Politics
Richard J. Semiatin and Jeremy D. Mayer
9. Campaign Press Coverage: Fake News Versus Traditional News
Origins and Development of U.S. Press Coverage
An Era of Transformation: The Decline of Mainstream Media
Mistakes and Lessons Learned in the Twenty-First Century
Citizen Groups as Campaign Reporters
Debates and Campaign Rallies
Fake News—Here to Stay?
Conclusion: Future Challenges
Peter L. Francia, Wesley Joe, and Clyde Wilcox
10. Campaign Finance: The Rise of Dark Money in the Roberts Court Era
The Evolution and Framework of Campaign Finance Reform
Rulings from the Roberts Court on BCRA
The Impact of the Roberts Court’s Decisions
Super PACS and Wealthy Donors
The Rise of Dark Money
Prospects for Legislative Reform: An Overview
Jeffrey Crouch
11. Voter Identification Laws and Ballot Access Measures
What Is the Bigger Picture?
What Are Voter Identification Laws?
Which States Have Them?
How Did the Laws Emerge?
Why Are They Controversial?
Other Ballot Access Measures
A Future of Change?
Conclusion: A Bifurcated Future?
Susan A. MacManus and Amy N. Benner
12. Women and Candidates: Generational Change, Growing Activism
A Generational Look at Female Voters
Activism on the Rise: The #MeToo Movement
2018 Midterm Election: New Year of the Democratic Woman
Campaign 2020 Challenges: Mobilizing Women Voters
Techniques for Microtargeting Women Voters
Looking Ahead
Atiya Kai Stokes Brown
13. Minority Candidates and the New Landscape of Campaigns in the Twenty-First Century
The Changing Face of America and Its Impact on American Politics
Minority Campaigns and Candidate Behavior
Campaign Activities of Minority Candidates
Voter Mobilization of Minorities, Part I: Microtargeting
Voter Mobilization of Minorities, Part II: Getting-Out-the-Vote
Challenges for Minority Candidates in 2018 and Beyond
Dick Simpson
14. Political Campaigns and Democracy
Money in Campaigns
The Selling of the Candidate
Paid Ads and Social Media
Media Coverage
Personal Voter Contact Still Matters
From Candidate-Centered to Donor-Centered Campaigns
Leave No Group Behind
Winning Elections and the Democratic Process