Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
Clinical Medicine
Leading the debate in clinical medicine
The Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine (JRSM) is a leading voice in the UK and internationally for medicine and healthcare. Published continuously since 1809, JRSM features scholarly comment and clinical research. JRSM is editorially independent from the Royal Society of Medicine, and its editor is Dr Kamran Abbasi.
JRSM offers many attractive features for authors, including free online access to all research articles, online publication ahead of print, and online responses to articles published as Quick Comments. In addition, as befitting a publication of the Royal Society of Medicine, JRSM implements best practice in scientific publishing with an open peer review process, declarations of competing interests and funding, full requirements for patient consent and ethical review, and statements of guarantorship, contributorship, and provenance.
JRSM has a fast-track decision service for high quality research articles with peer review comments from other top journals.
Members of the Royal Society of Medicine receive JRSM online as one of the benefits of membership.
This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
Reasons to Submit
- The outlet for leading debate in the specialties of medicine and surgery
- Average time from submission to first decision: 25 days
- The official journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
- Impact Factor of 18.000
- Distinguished, international Editorial Board
- Rigorous peer review of your research including statistical review
- Accepts submission of papers from pre-print servers
- Research papers made free to access on publication
- High visibility and media coverage
Submit your manuscript today at
The Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine is the leading UK multispecialty medical journal for peer reviewed clinical research, reviews, opinion, and continuing professional development. JRSM also has an international outlook and by leading the debate in the specialties of medicine and surgery, JRSM sets the agenda for clinical practice and health policy making across the medical world. Contributions to the JRSM reflect its international and multispecialty readership, as well as its tradition of being an enjoyable and entertaining medical journal.
The journal has full editorial independence from the Royal Society of Medicine.
Members of the Royal Society of Medicine receive JRSM online as one of the benefits of membership.
Professor Kamran Abbasi | Royal Society of Medicine, UK |
Julie Morris | The University of Manchester, UK |
John Ashton | Independent Public Health Consultant, UK |
Lucy Chappell | King's College London, UK |
Chang-Qing Gao | Xiang-Ya Hospital, China |
Azeem Majeed | Imperial College London, UK |
Martin Marshall | UCL, UK |
Christopher Martyn | Southampton, UK |
Julie Morris | The University of Manchester, UK |
Samiran Nundy | Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, India |
William Phillips | University of Washington, USA |
Gretchen Purcell Jackson | USA |
John Scadding | National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, UK |
Saad Shafqat | Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan |
Aziz Sheikh | The University of Edinburgh, UK |
Jan Vandenbroucke | Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum, Netherlands |
Elizabeth Wager | Sideview, UK |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.