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12 Results Found for "SA0"
Dr. Saed Alizamir is an Assistant Professor of Operations Management at the Yale School of Management. Professor Alizamir’s research interests lies in the area of social responsibility and public sector operations. In his research, he focuses on problems in public policy that involve private-public interactions and dynamic decision-making.
Nikhit D'Sa is a doctoral candidate in Human Development and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. His broad research interest is in the psychosocial development of adolescents who grow up in situations of community violence, neighborhood poverty, and family chaos.
Tariq Saed Al-Abdulla, Head of Technical Affairs Section, Qatar Olympic Committee, Qatar.
Brenda S.A. Yeoh is Raffles Professor of Social Sciences, National University of Singapore (NUS) and Research Leader, Asian Migration Cluster, at NUS’ Asia Research Institute. She was awarded the Vautrin Lud Prize for outstanding achievements in Geography in 2021.