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Journal of Social and Personal Relationships

Journal of Social and Personal Relationships

eISSN: 14603608 | ISSN: 02654075 | Current volume: 41 | Current issue: 12 Frequency: Monthly
The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships (JSPR) is an international and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research on social and personal relationships. JSPR is a leading journal in the field, publishing empirical and theoretical papers on social and personal relationships. It is multidisciplinary in scope, drawing material from the fields that include family studies, human development, communication, social psychology, lifespan developmental psychology, social work, gerontology, and sociology.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Submit your manuscript today at

The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships (JSPR) is an international and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research on social and personal relationships. JSPR is the leading journal in the field, publishing empirical and theoretical papers on social and personal relationships. It is multidisciplinary in scope, drawing material from the fields of social psychology, clinical psychology, communication, developmental psychology, and sociology.

"This is the outstanding journal in personal relationships, clearly the most highly cited journal for articles on relationships and the one you most naturally pick up when you are researching a relational topic" Clyde Hendrick Texas Tech University, Lubbock, USA

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

2025 Incoming Editor-in-Chief
Emily Scheinfeld Kennesaw State University, USA
Outgoing Editor-in-Chief
Melissa Curran University of Arizona, USA
Outgoing Manuscript Coordinator
Rachael Perez Independent Scholar, USA
Social Media Editor, Twitter
Sarah Stanton University of Edinburgh, UK
Founding Editor
Steve Duck The University of Iowa, USA
Associate Editors
Erin Basinger University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Hongjian Cao The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Ashley Ermer Montclair State University, USA
Allison Farrell Miami University, USA
Meara Faw Colorado State University, USA
Traci Gillig Washington State University, USA
Cheryl Harasymchuk Carleton University, Canada
Andrew High The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Elizabeth Hintz University of Connecticut, USA
Nazli Büsra Akçabozan Kayabol Bahcesehir University, Türkiye
Pam Lannutti Widener University, USA
Nathan Leonhardt Brigham Young University, USA
Xiaomin Li Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Yachao Li The College of New Jersey, USA
Cliff McKinney Mississippi State University, USA
Brett Peters Ohio University, USA
Shelby Rivers Texas Woman's University, USA
Valerie Rubinsky University of Maine Augusta, USA
Erin Ruppel University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Ezgi Sakman Bilkent University, Türkiye
Liesel Sharabi Arizona State University, USA
Semira Tagliabue Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy
David Warner The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Nan Zhou University of Macau, China
Advisory Editorial Board
Katarzyna Adamczyk Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
Tony E. Adams Bradley University, USA
Aysegül Araci-Iyiaydin TED University, Türkiye
Arthur Aron Stony Brook University, USA
Analisa Arroyo University of Georgia, USA
Mary B. Eberly Lewis Oakland University, USA
Allen Barton University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Funda Barutçu Yildirim Middle East Technical University, Türkiye
Lindsey Beck Emerson College, USA
Maggie Bennett-Brown Texas Tech University & The Kinsey Institute, USA
Jennifer Bevan Chapman University, USA
Susan Boon University of Calgary, Canada
Geneviève Bouchard Université de Moncton, Canada
Kellie Brisini Louisiana State University, USA
Nicholas Brody University of Puget Sound, USA
Tricia Burke Texas State University, USA
Tomás Cabeza de Baca National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases; National Institutes of Health
Megan Cardwell Villanova University, USA
Viktorija Cepukiene Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
Lik Sam Chan The University of Sydney, Australia
Rebecca Clarke Brigham Young University, USA
Kathryn Coduto Boston University, USA
Amanda Cooper University of Arizona, USA
Anthony Coy University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee, USA
Rene Dailey University of Texas at Austin, USA
Danielle DelPriore Pennsylvania State University - Altoona, USA
Jayson Dibble Hope College, USA
Jess Dominguez University of Kentucky, USA
Keely Dugan University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA
Wesley Durham University of Southern Indiana, USA
Lydia Emery University of Chicago, USA
Dan Erickson Arizona State University, USA
Shichen Fang Concordia University, Canada
Alexandra Fisher The Australian National University, Australia
Kory Floyd University of Arizona, USA
Craig Fowler Massey University, New Zealand
Taranah Gazder University of Edinburgh, UK
Judith Gere Kent State University, USA
Patricia Gettings University at Albany, SUNY, USA
Jeffrey Hall University of Kansas, USA
Anna Hammersmith Grand Valley State University, USA
KC Haydon Mount Holyoke College, USA
Colin Hesse Oregon State University, USA
Peter Hilpert University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Sean Horan Fairfield University, USA
Brett Jakubiak Syracuse University, USA
Alexander C. Jensen Brigham Young University, USA
Michaeline Jensen UNC Greensboro, USA
LI Crystal Jiang City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Jeremy Kanter The University of Tennessee, USA
Peter Kardos Kean University, USA
Katie Kassler University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Sarah Killoren University of Missouri, USA
James Kim Western University, Canada
Leanne Knobloch University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Olena Kopystynska Utah State University, USA
Christine Kunkle West Virginia University, USA
Mustafa Alperen Kursuncu Ordu University, Türkiye
Ashley Larsen Gibby Brigham Young University, USA
Justin Lavner University of Georgia, USA
Yunying Le University of Denver, USA
Ashley LeBaron-Black Brigham Young University, USA
Mei-Chen Lin Kent State University, USA
Heidi Lyons Oakland University, USA
Geoff MacDonald University of Toronto, Canada
Laura Machia Syracuse University, USA
Jimmie Manning University of Nevada, USA
Christina Marini Adelphi University, USA
Melinda Markham Kansas State University, USA
Bree McEwan University of Toronto – Mississauga, Canada
Roselia Mendez Murillo University of Texas at Austin, USA
Mackensie Minniear University of Georgia, USA
Nina Mounts Northern Illinois University, USA
Zheng Mu National University of Singapore, Singapore
Lisa Neff University of Texas at Austin, USA
Brian Ogolsky University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Yoobin Park University of California San Francisco, USA
Natalie Pennington University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Amy Rauer University of Tennessee, USA
Colter Ray The University of Tampa, USA
Harry Reis University of Rochester, USA
Tekisha Rice Virginia Tech, USA
Luke Russell Illinois State University, USA
Matthew Saxey Auburn University, USA
Chris Segrin University of Arizona, USA
Gwendolyn Seidman Albright College, USA
Jennifer Sharkey Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Rosie Shrout Purdue University, USA
Susan Sprecher Illinois State University, Normal, USA
Jeffrey E. Stokes University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Kenneth Tan Singapore Management University, Singapore
Charee Thompson University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Casey Totenhagen University of Alabama, USA
Corinna Tucker University of New Hampshire, USA
Betul Urganci University of Texas at Austin, USA
Heather Voorhees University of Montana, USA
Laura Vowels University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Ningxin Wang National University of Singapore, Singapore
Rebekka Weidmann Brigham Young University, USA
Dana Weiser Texas Tech University, USA
Hannah Williamson University of Texas at Austin, USA
Timothy (Tim) Worley University of North Alabama, USA
Qinglu Wu Beijing Normal University, China
E. Helin Yaban Fern University, Germany
Ahtisham Younas Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Giulia Zoppolat Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
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