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A must-read for classroom teachers, for teacher leaders/mentors, for teachers–intraining, and for teachers’ instructors. All great teachers know that there are five essential things that they need to know and do to create a dynamic classroom. This book answers the five “big questions.” In our current environment, teachers are asking for help creating a dynamic classroom. There isn’t another book on the market like it. This book is the answer to how to create a dynamic classroom that is student-centered, engaging, relationship-building, goal-oriented, and lively.
Serena Pariser and Victoria Lentfer offer us exemplary classroom practices, teacher wisdom, and a healthy dose of optimism. They encourage us to “take a deep breath” and intentionally choose our next small step. The answers in this book can minimize stress, help teachers avoid burnout, and improve teacher retention.
Serena Pariser and Victoria Lentfer’s Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Creating a Dynamic Classroom provides newer teachers with answers to common questions that linger in the brain of a newer teacher. As a newer teacher myself, I wish a book like this existed when I started out. This book is engaging, informative, and so much more. If you know a new teacher, work with a new teacher, or are a new teacher, this book is absolutely for you and will make the perfect gift for a new teacher in your life. Each section includes helpful tips and is easily organized and accessible.
Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Creating a Dynamic Classroom embraces the need for engagement of both the student and the teacher. It’s a book that not only helps a student to thrive as a learner but also helps a teacher to thrive as a coach, a guide, and a facilitator. Each chapter launches with an “Imagine This” scenario, and then breaks down and deconstructs what makes that moment in the classroom engaging and successful. The suggestions nod to what we all feel in the moment of classroom stress and give alternate solutions that are efficient and doable.