Maximizing People Power in Schools
Motivating and Managing Teachers and Staff
- Larry E. Frase - San Diego State University, California
Successful Schools
Successful Schools
Other Titles in:
Continuing Professional Development | School Management | Staff Supervision/Evaluation/Retention
Continuing Professional Development | School Management | Staff Supervision/Evaluation/Retention
July 1992 | 160 pages | Corwin
This volume focuses on maximizing productivity of teachers and other school staff and covers all phases of professional development. Specific suggestions are given on a number of areas, such as hiring the best teachers, providing quality in-service training, motivating and evaluating teachers, arresting burnout, dismissing incompetent teachers and using support staff resources.
Fenwick W English
Staffing the School Right the First Time
Teacher Burnout and Mediocrity
The Antidote is Professional Development and Motivation
Evaluating and Supervising Teachers
Managing the Marginal Teacher
with Alyson Couette and John Couette
Strategies for Assisting the Marginal Teacher
Staying Legal and Out of Trouble
Maximizing the Potential of Support Personnel
Trouble-Shooting Guide