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Awakening the Sleeping Giant

Awakening the Sleeping Giant
Helping Teachers Develop as Leaders

Third Edition

September 2009 | 240 pages | Corwin
'The ultimate for those who promote teacher leadership and those who would be teacher leaders'—Roland S. Barth, Educational Consultant, Author, Lessons Learned

'Katzenmeyer and Moller usher in a new age of teacher leadership, an age of mutuality in learning and leading, broad-based participation, and shared responsibility. Their work is based on the powerful assumption that all of us—especially teachers—have the right, capacity, and responsibility to lead'—Linda Lambert, Professor Emeritus, California State University, Hayward

'This seminal text left me nothing short of energized when I first picked it up almost ten years ago. Filled with new surveys, tools, and suggestions for today's teacher leader, the newest edition is simply a must-read for anyone driving meaningful change in the classrooms of our country'—Bill Ferriter, Senior Fellow Teacher Leaders Network

This third edition of a bestseller draws on the authors' two decades of experience in studying and observing the work of teacher leaders. Marilyn Katzenmeyer and Gayle Moller expand on the definition of leadership and its importance to improving outcomes in schools, and cover the careerlong development of teacher leaders from preservice preparation programmes through ongoing support for veteran teacher leaders.

This exceptional, teacher-focused resource discusses three factors critical to stepping into a leadership role: sustaining teacher leadership relationships between adults in the school, organizational structures, and the actions of the principal. The authors discuss the challenges that many teacher leaders face, including:

- Deciding to accept a leadership role

- Building principal–teacher leader relationships

- Working with peers

- Facilitating professional learning for themselves and others

With the latest research from the teacher leadership literature and new teacher inventories and surveys, this updated edition of Awakening the Sleeping Giant demonstrates the benefits of investing in teachers and their learning to sustain meaningful change in today's schools.

About the Authors
1. Understanding Teacher Leadership
Teacher Leadership Emerges

Definition of Teacher Leadership

Three Potential Teacher Leaders

Readiness for Teacher Leadership

Who Is Responsible?


Application Challenges

2. Promoting Teacher Leadership
Rationale for Teacher Leadership

Benefits of Teacher Leadership

Teacher Leadership Assumptions


Application Challenges

3. Developing Teacher Leaders
Professional Development for Teacher Leaders

Leadership Development for Teachers

A Development Model for Teacher Leadership


Application Challenges

4. Understanding Myself and Others as Teachers and Leaders
Professional Teaching Skills

Teacher Uniqueness

Reluctant Learners and Leaders

Acknowledging Diversity


Application Challenges

5. Building a Culture That Supports Teacher Leadership
Dimensions of School Culture

Relationships Between Adults in the School

Organizational Structure

Actions of the Principal


Application Challenges

6. Influencing Others Through Teacher Leadership
Influence With Instructional Competence

How Teachers Influence

Influencing Skills

Teacher Leader Action in Schools


Application Challenges

7. Emerging Teacher Leadership and Its Challenges
Evolution of Teacher Leadership

Many Faces of Teacher Leadership

Challenges for Teacher Leaders


Application Challenges

8. Building a Future for Teacher Leadership
Teacher Leadership in the Future

Teacher Leader Concerns

Teacher Leaders as Advocates for Change


Resource A. A Resource for Teacher Leadership: Philosophy of Education Inventory© (PEI©)
Resource B. Teacher Leader School Survey (TLSS)
Resource C. Time for Teacher Leadership
Resource D. Teacher Leadership Books, Instruments, and Organizations

"The ultimate for those who promote teacher leadership and those who would be teacher leaders."

Roland S. Barth, Educational Consultant
Author, Lessons Learned

"This seminal text left me nothing short of energized when I first picked it up almost ten years ago. Drawing from their continued experience developing and defining teacher leadership, Katzenmeyer and Moller bring additional transparency to a widely recognized concept that remains poorly understood. Filled with new surveys, tools, and suggestions for today’s teacher leader, the newest edition is simply a must-read for anyone driving meaningful change in the classrooms of our country."

Bill Ferriter, Senior Fellow
Teacher Leaders Network

"Katzenmeyer and Moller usher in a new age of teacher leadership, an age of mutuality in learning and leading, broad-based participation, and shared responsibility. Their work is based on the powerful assumption that all of us—especially teachers—have the right, capacity, and responsibility to lead."

Linda Lambert, Professor Emeritus
California State University, Hayward

This is a great resource for generating discussion within the course. The students found it accessible and thought-provoking.

Dr Christopher Boe
School Of Education, Pfeiffer University - Charlotte
June 9, 2011

In this third edition the authors share experience and the insights gained over the past two decades in studying and observing the work of teacher leaders. In writing this latest edition, the authors reexamined their teacher leadership beliefs and matched these beliefs with more recent experiences with teacher leaders around the country. The definition of teacher leadership has been expanded, and the book includes new content related to the evolution of teacher leadership since the second edition was written. New teacher leader scenarios have been added along with thoughts on promoting teacher leadership. Recent thinking on the career-long development of teacher leaders, beginning with pre-service preparation programs through on-going support for experienced teacher leaders, has been included. New content focuses on the implications of generational differences among faculty members and offers clues to building relationships with those who bring diverse perspectives to the workplace. The school context for supporting teacher leadership is analyzed, and a set of dimensions evident in schools where teacher leadership is thriving are offered.

A new chapter, Emerging Teacher Leadership and Its Challenges, has been added to the third edition. In this chapter, the authors share three factors critical to sustaining teacher leadership in schools including 1) relationships between adults in the school, 2) the organizational structures, and 3) the actions of the principal. In this latest edition the authors provide more fully developed ideas on steps for teacher leaders in influencing colleagues, their schools and their districts. Focusing on the vast numbers of teachers now serving as instructional leaders in their schools and districts, the authors acquaint readers of this new edition with timely new content related to the four challenges many teacher leaders face: deciding to accept a leadership role, building principal/teacher leader relationships, working with peers and facilitating professional learning for self and others. In a second new chapter, Building a Future for Teacher Leadership, the authors disclose their thinking about teacher leadership as they envision it unfolding including areas for advocacy and change to assure the future is a positive one.

The third edition contains updated references from teacher leadership literature and research throughout each chapter. The content is further enhanced by the inclusion of two new instruments, the Teacher Leadership Self-Assessment and the Teacher Leadership School Survey. In addition, new print and on-line resources are provided to aid those who wish to study teacher leadership in greater depth. Several new tables are added to explain concepts including new theories of teaching and learning, power bases, strategies of continuous development for teacher leaders, and generational expectations and needs. New application challenges provide action steps for each teacher leadership stakeholder group. The responsibility for advocating for teacher leadership falls on the shoulders of people in diverse roles, including principals, superintendents, district staff, college and university personnel, and especially teachers themselves.

Sample Materials & Chapters


Chapter 1

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781412960403