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*摘自期刊引证报告(Web of Science Group,2024)
Los Angeles, CA - Institutional Reports from COUNTER 4, the latest standard in usage reporting for journals, databases, books, and multimedia content, are now available for all SAGE and CQ Press products.
This update retires COUNTER 3 reports and adds three new reports to those previously available (asterisked):
Despite enormous investment in Iraq’s health system in the 10 years since the US-led invasion, the health condition of Iraqis has deteriorated and will fail to improve unless more is done to improve living conditions.
The following guidelines outline Sage’s general policy for handling supplemental material, but please always refer to individual journal author guidelines to check for any bespoke policies.
The following guidelines outline Sage’s general policy for handling supplemental material, but please always refer to individual journal author guidelines to check for any bespoke policies.
The following guidelines outline Sage’s general policy for handling supplemental material, but please always refer to individual journal author guidelines to check for any bespoke policies.