Multiage Classrooms by Design
Beyond the One-Room School
- Tabitha Carwile Daniel - Western Kentucky University, USA
- Kay W. Terry - Western Kentucky University, USA
Roadmaps to Success
Roadmaps to Success
Other Titles in:
Teaching Methods & Learning Styles
Teaching Methods & Learning Styles
August 1995 | 88 pages | Corwin
Multiage grouping - the placement of children in the same classroom who are at least one year apart in age - is designed to allow children of various ability and age levels to work in an environment designed to optimize their learning potential. The authors explore the workings of a multiage classroom and offer guidelines for planning this type of instruction.
Jerry J Herman and Janice L Herman
Multiage Grouping for Young Learners
The One-Room School Revisited
Planning for Multiage Instruction
The Teacher's Role
Inside a Multiage Classroom
The Physical Arrangement
Guiding and Managing
The Administrator's Role
The Multiage Classroom
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