Reaching and Teaching All Children
Grassroots Efforts That Work
Edited by:
- Robert L. Sinclair - University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
- Ward J. Ghory - Buckingham Browne and Nichols School, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Other Titles in:
School Change, Reform, & Restructuring
School Change, Reform, & Restructuring
September 1997 | 152 pages | Corwin
This book presents the findings of the National Coalition of Equality in Learning, an experiment involving over sixty diverse elementary and secondary schools in the US, created to help educators attack the persistent problems of inequity experienced by poor and minority students in education today.
Kathryn E Nelson
Robert L Sinclair and Ward J Ghory
Realizing our Promise
Robbie Jean Walker
Moral Imperatives of Leadership
Kimberly Trimble and Jan Jacob
Learning Lessons of Change
Robert G Smith and Stephanie Knight
Collaborative Inquiry
Teacher Leadership in the Practice of Creative Intelligence
Hope Jensen Leichter
Learning from Families
Val Wheeler, Ward J Ghory and Robert L Sinclair
Toward Equality Schools
Ward J Ghory and Robert L Sinclair
Evaluation in Service of Learning
Robert L Sinclair and Ward J Ghory
Leadership for Learning