Mental Health Nursing
An Evidence Based Introduction
- Steven Pryjmachuk - University of Manchester, UK
This book introduces you to the core skills and essential knowledge you need to deliver high-quality care.
Mental Health Nursing is a practical, values- and evidence-based resource which will guide and support you through your pre-registration mental health nursing programme and into your own practice.
Dedicated chapters focus on the major mental health problems, and are clearly structured so that you can quickly and easily identify what you want learn about helping people with, for example, depression, anxiety, psychosis, or acute mental health problems.
The most up-to-date theories, as well as mental health policies and law from all four countries of the UK, are explained accessibly by experienced lecturers and nurse practitioners who show you through real-life case scenarios how you can use your newly-acquired knowledge and skills to deliver high-quality care yourself. You will also be encouraged - through regular reflection and discussion points - to see things with a critical eye and to engage in and drive on the debates that make mental health nursing such an exciting field to be studying and working in.
Set within a framework which emphasises and makes clear the core skills, values and knowledge-base you need to become capable mental health nurse, you will find this book a vital companion as you progress through your studies and onto helping people confidently in everyday life.
This is a very good book for nurses working in the field and offers a different context to problems that arise.
This also covers mental health in a social context and explains that not all problems can be solved.
Instead it offers a more practical 'harm mimization 'approach to work based problems. A good book for any nurse working in the field.
Both myself and a number of colleagues consider this an excellent evidence based introductory text for the undergarduate programmes in mental health nursing
I really like the fact that this book has been written specifically for acute mental health nursing care. It recognises the importance of acute care and covers the core areas of practice well.
It is well supported by relevant and up to date evidence.
Students should find this a useful resource
Focused on the new developments in mental health nursing. Highlights the key issues, new agenda and the developing roles of the mental health nurse. Makes it appealing to the the mental health nurse commencing their training.
This text has been used extensively to inform the current ciriculum revalidation and is to be recommended as an essential text
A good all round text for MHN students. Like especially the new ways of working chapter which neatly overviews the complex policy drift in the UK and its impact on the practising MHN. The fact the Scottish context was included - as so many UK texts overlook this - is welcomed. The 'what wil I learn' precursor to each chapter is a good learning, aid in my view.'
A clear introduction to mental health nursing. I liked the idea of looking at how we work with people with particular mental health difficulties from the perspective of 'helping' them. The contextual material at the beginning enables students to understand these later chapters in the context of different perspectives on mental health, the mental health nurse and developments in mental health nursing.
A very good text that provides an important insight into mental health nursing, is contemporary and is generally an easy read.
I would be happy to recommend this text to students within the Pre-registration Nursing Course.
It is a useful, well constructed and easy to read resource.
This is a very informative and worthy read for all mental health nurses not only students. I would recommend this book mental health professionals who are seeking to deepen thir knowledge of mental health issues and how they can be treated.