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International Institutions

International Institutions

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

January 2010 | 1 648 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Sovereign nations share the international system with a host of non-state

transnational actors. Some of these entities have been created by states

themselves, often as a result of the need to jointly solve a common

problem, such as the United Nations. Other international entities

are created when members of a society organize across traditional

national boundaries to deal with a collective concern, such as Amnesty

International or Oxfam. To understand and explain contemporary world

politics we need to consider these institutions, as key actors influencing

issues of war and peace.

Although transnational actors are not new on the world stage, the number

and type of these international entities expanded dramatically after

World War II. This set examines both the rise of these new transnational

actors and their effect on international politics and policies.

Volume One: Causes – Why Do International Institutions Exist?

Volume Two: Consequences – When, Where and Why International

Institutions are Effective

Volume Three: Types of Institutions – Security and Economic

Volume Four: Types of Institutions – Environment, Human Rights,

International Courts, Multilateralism, Regionalism

Coordination Versus Prisoners' Dilemma: Implications for international cooperation and regimes

Duncan Snidal
Theories and Empirical Studies of International Institutions

Lisa L. Martin and Beth A. Simmons
Multilateralism: The anatomy of an institution

John Gerard Ruggie
International Organization: A state of the art on an art of the state

Friedrich Kratochwil and John Gerard Ruggie
World Society and the Nation-State

John W. Meyer, John Boli, George M. Thomas and Francisco O. Ramirez
Regime Dynamics: The rise and fall of international regimes

Oran R. Young
Introduction: Epistemic communities and international policy coordination

Peter M. Haas
Transnational Advocacy Networks in International and Regional Politics

Margaret E. Keck and Kathryn Sikkink
Why States Act through Formal International Organizations

Kenneth W. Abbott and Duncan Snidal
Interests, Power, and Multilateralism

Lisa L. Martin,
Regimes and the Limits of Realism: Regimes as autonomous variables

Stephen D. Krasner
The Demand for International Regimes

Robert O. Keohane
International Public Goods without International Government

Charles P. Kindleberger
International Agreements: A rational choice approach

Jack L. Goldsmith and Eric A. Posner
The False Promise of International Institutions

John J. Mearsheimer
Global Communications and National Power: Life on the Pareto frontier

Stephen D. Krasner
Cave! Hic Dragones: A critique of regime analysis

Susan Strange
The Politics, Power, and Pathologies of International Organizations

Michael N. Barnett, and Martha Finnemore
Sharing Sovereignty: New institutions for collapsed and failing states

Stephen D. Krasner
Norms and State Structure: UNESCO and the creation of state science bureaucracies

Martha Finnemore
Institutional Conditions for Diffusion

David Strang and John W. Meyer
The Institutional Dynamics of International Political Orders

James G. March and Johan P. Olsen
International Regimes, Transactions, and Change: Embedded liberalism in the postwar economic order

John Gerard Ruggie
Is the Good News about Compliance Good News about Cooperation?

George W. Downs, David M. Rocke, and Peter N. Barsoom
Do Treaties Constrain or Screen? Selection bias and treaty compliance

Jana von Stein
The Origins of Human Rights Regimes: Democratic delegation in postwar Europe

Andrew Moravcsik
From Balance to Concert: A study of international security cooperation

Robert Jervis
NATO's Functions after the Cold War

John S. Duffield
Beyond Anarchy: The importance of security institutions

David A. Lake
Norms and Security: The case of international assassination

Ward Thomas
The Role of Multilateral Institutions in International Trade Cooperation

Giovanni Maggi
The New Wave of Regionalism

Edward D. Mansfield and Helen V. Milner
Regulatory Shift: The rise of judicial liberalization at the WTO

Judith L. Goldstein and Richard H. Steinberg
The Politics of Dispute Settlement Design: Explaining legalism in regional trade pacts

James McCall Smith
An Exclusive Country Club: The effects of the GATT on trade, 1950-94

Joanne Gowa and Soo Yeon Kim
Institutions in International Relations: Understanding the effects of the GATT and the WTO on world trade

Judith L. Goldstein, Douglas Rivers and Michael Tomz
International Law and State Behavior: Commitment and compliance in international monetary affairs

Beth Simmons
Balance-of-Payments Financing: Evolution of a regime

Benjamin J. Cohen
The Political Economy of International Monetary Relations

J. Lawrence Broz and Jeffry A. Frieden
Introduction: Legalization and world politics

Judith Goldstein, Miles Kahler, Robert O. Keohane and Anne-Marie Slaughter
In the Shadow of Law or Power? Consensus-based bargaining and outcomes in the GATT/WTO

Richard H. Steinberg
Europe Before the Court: A political theory of legal integration

Anne-Marie Burley and Walter Mattli
Legalization, Trade Liberalization, and Domestic Politics: A cautionary note

Judith Goldstein and Lisa L. Martin
Feminist Approaches to International Law

Hilary Charlesworth, Christine Chinkin and Shelley Wright
The Politics of International Regime Formation: Managing natural resources and the environment

Oran R. Young
Regime Design Matters: Intentional oil pollution and treaty compliance

Ronald B. Mitchell
Women's Rights, the European Court, and Supranational Constitutionalism

Rachel A. Cichowski
The Power of the European Parliament as a Conditional Agenda Setter

George Tsebelis
The Justice Cascade: The evolution and impact of foreign human rights trials in Latin America

Ellen L. Lutz and Kathryn Sikkink
Incomplete Internalization and Compliance with Human Rights Law

Ryan Goodman and Derek Jinks
Reconstituting the Global Public Domain - Issues, Actors, and Practices

John Gerard Ruggie
Legitimacy and Authority in International Politics

Ian Hurd
Governance in a Partially Globalized World

Robert O. Keohane

Sample Materials & Chapters
